South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc.
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FFA Archives

Farmers' group is given charter - The Daily Plainsman - November 19, 1929

The Green Hand, A Story of the F.F.A. by Paul W. Chapman

FFA Districts

FFA Leadership Retreats Celebrate 50th Anniversary


Additional Articles from Gary Moore's The Friday Footnote:

2/21/25 How the FFV and FFA got started Dr. John Hillson Since this week is National FFA week it might be a good time to refresh our memory about the origins of the FFA
1/15/25 National Hat Day Jim Conners Explores the types of hats/caps worn by FFA members over time
1/3/25 An Hour Before Daylight Jim Connors Earlier this week, Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States died. He was the only President (so far) that had been a member of the Future Farmers of America.
2/17/2023 What’s On Your Back? Jim Connors Explores the changes in lettering on the back of the FFA jacket
2/24/2023 Why Do Students Wear the FFA Jacket? Lanette Vaughn Looks at the hidden meaning of the FFA jacket
3/3/2023 The FFA Jacket 1.0 and 2.0 Gary Moore,  David Laatsch Examines FFA jackets in the earlier days of the FFA
3/10/2023 The FFA Jacket 3.0 Gary Moore Looks at the FFA jackets after 1990
3/17/2023 The FFA Jacket Quiz Gary Moore A 20 question quiz about the FFA jacket
1/8/2021 Former Vo-Ag Student Wins Nobel Peace Prize Gary Moore The story of Norman Borlaug
1/7/2022 Making Basketball History Gary Moore Many FFA chapters once had basketball teams
4/28/2023 Unique FFA Chapters and Clubs Jim Connors There have been several unique FFA chapters and agricultural clubs over time

For more information about SD Ag Ed History, please contact Dr. Clark Hanson at
For more information about the SD FFA Foundation, please contact or call (605) 765-4865
© 2024 South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc.

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