How You Can Help
To contirbute safely and securely on-line, please click here to donate!
The following specific divisions allow
businesses, individuals and chapters to invest in Agricultural Education.
Contact Gerri Ann Eide at
the SD FFA Foundation to partner with us to meet our goals, or print and mail our contribution form.
Leave a Legacy Gift: After your family is taken care of, you can ensure young leaders in agricultural have a bright future with a planned gift:
Endowments- Create by contributing a minimum of $10,000 over 5 years or less, to promote a program long term.
Bequests- Indicate in your will that you’d like to leave part of your estate to the SD FFA Foundation. Gifts can be a particular item, dollar amount or percent of your estate.
Beneficiary Designations - Indicate that the SD FFA Foundation is a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, bank account, IRA or non-qualified annuity.
For information to or 605-765-4865
Why contribute
to the FFA?
Levels of Support:
- Diamond Sponsors ($50,000 +)
- Platinum Sponsors ($20,000 to $49,999)
- Sapphire ($10,000 to $19,999)
- Gold Sponsors ($5,000 to $9,999)
- Ruby Sponsors ($2,500 to $4,999)
- Pearl Sponsors ($1,000 to $2,499)
- Silver Sponsors ($500 to $999)
- Bronze Sponsors ($250 to $499)
- Copper Sponsors ($100 to $249)
- Corduroy Sponsors ($50 to $99)
- Friend Sponsors ($1 to $49)
Ways to Contribute to the SD FFA:
The Star Partner Program - The purpose of the Star Partner Program is to promote those businesses and organizations supporting the longevity of the SD Team Ag Ed program through their sponsorship.
Core Mission Fund - The basic
method of supporting the Foundation and its fundraising activities. This money
is used for general operational expenses necessary in performing daily
fundraising for special activities, scholarship and awards for members. (Ex.
Director’s salary, website, annual audit, supplies, newsletter, postage etc.)
Sponsored Project - For donors
who wish to sponsor specific projects or awards programs such as agricultural
proficiency awards, career development events, agri-science, community
development, safety activities and leadership training. Another example would be sponsoring an FFA jacket through our Blue Jackets Bright Futures FFA Jacket program.
Planned Giving - Ensure that the future is bright for young leaders in agricultural
education with a planned gift. Many of these have wonderful
benefits for the gift donors. Consider leaving a Legacy Gift through the SD FFA Foundation.