you looking for a new way to market your products or services?
Try advertising with the SD FFA!
“FFA’s New Era”
newsletter is published three times a year by the South Dakota FFA Foundation
and distributed to over 4000 FFA members, advisors and school administrators,
plus businesses and individuals who support the SD FFA across South Dakota!
With a copy for every FFA member
household, your message will reach those responsible for purchasing decisions.

Advertising rates:
(8 ½” x 11” page
- Full Page - $500 per
- Half Page - $400 per
- Quarter Page - $200
per issue
- Eighth Page - $100 per issue
Publication dates: (ads are due
one month prior to publication)
- October 1
- February 1
- May 1
To place an ad or obtain
additional information, please contact:
Gerri Ann Eide
Executive Director
South Dakota FFA Foundation
39393 133rd St.
Bath, SD 57427
(605) 765-4865
Thank you for your consideration