South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc.
SD FFA Foundation Email Newsletter ~ | ~ Volume 3, Issue 2 ~ | ~ August 2012

The SD FFA Email Newsletter highlights special projects of the SD FFA and SD FFA Foundation.  Please forward this newsletter to others you know who are involved and interested in FFA and agriculture education. Thank you for your support of the FFA in South Dakota!I Believe

Director's Message:

School is just days away from starting up again ... where did the summer go?  My second child is counting the days with excitement and anxiety until he begins kindergarten and learns new things.  Even though many high school students have learned to mask it well, they too are seeking opportunities to grow in knowledge, leadership and personal growth.  Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources classes offer the perfect place for students to grow - spread the word and encourage all high school students to take the risk, and join an ag class and FFA.

Gerri Ann Eide, Executive Director, SD FFA Foundation, Inc.

KelliFFA member says "Thanks!"

Thank you for donating to the SD FFA Foundation! This past year was our best year ever, and we were able to provide more financial support for events, scholarships and awards than ever before. EVERY donation, big or small, is valued by the SD FFA Foundation and the members it impacts. Kelli Garry, SD FFA Reporter from Lake Preston, says “FFA has become a major part of my life and has impacted me in many ways. Sponsors and supporters provide the FFA with the tools needed to help train me as a state officer and provide me with supplies and skills to better myself so that I can impact the lives of the South Dakota FFA members. Sponsors and supporters enable the South Dakota FFA to influence countless lives and shape the agricultural leaders of tomorrow."

Thank you for your time, talent and treasure!


Create the future - teach!

What's the #1 challenge for agriculture education in SD and across the nation?  Finding qualified ag teachers to fill openings in school districts who have, or want to start an Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources program.  This year several schools filled teacher openings with individuals not graduating until December, or with community members willing to work toward alternative certification in agriculture education.  A few more schools are still looking. Please help agriculture education fill this need by:

  1. Encouraging young people to consider teaching as a rewarding profession

  2. Consider teaching, as a career change for yourself, with a dusty degree or through alternative certification

  3. Recruit quality community members to teach through alternative certification options.

We all want agriculture education to succeed in SD - that takes quality, qualified teachers.  Help make that happen! 

American Farmer a big Hit at Sioux Empire Fair

On Wednesday, August 8, the Sioux Empire fair celebrated South Dakota agriculture by hosting its 29th Annual Ag Appreciation Day. This year the fair welcomed special guest Steve Azar (country music artist "I don't have to be me 'til Monday") to sing his new song, "American Farmer". Before Azar went on stage, the SD FFA Foundation received special recognition.  Swenson Investments and Commodities presented the South Dakota FFA Foundation with a check, representing $10,000 raised by selling 2000 "American Farmer" CD's, with all proceeds going to the SD FFA Foundation.

Congressional representatives John Thune and Kristi Noem, and Secretary of Ag, Walt Bones attended the presentation, supporting the SD FFA and it's growing membership. Immediately following, Azar took the stage, performing for a large crowd. People drove over three hours to see Azar's performance, and all agreed, the concert went above and beyond expectations. Thanks to Swenson Investments and Commodities for promoting FFA in this incredible endeavor and good luck to Azar with "AmericanFarmer."Sioux Empire Fair

Photo caption:

SDSU Men's Basketball Coach Scott Nagy, Congresswoman Kristi Noem, Senator John Thune, Brad, Konni & Matt Swenson, and Steve Azar.

Upcoming events:

  • Aug 30 - Sept 3 - SD State Fair - FFA/Ag Exhibit building and Ag Learning Center/Animal Nursery open to the public 8a.m. - 8p.m.

  • FFA livestock shows at the State Fair -         
    Saturday, Sept. 1
    5:00 pm – Rabbit Show – Rabbit barn
    6:00 pm - Beef Show, OC Beef Barn (middle ring)

    Sunday, Sept. 2

    9:00 am - Dairy Show, OC Dairy Barn
    6:00 pm - Sheep Show, 4H Livestock Show Ring (north side)

    Monday, Sept. 3

    7:30 am - Swine Show, OC Swine Barn
    4:00 pm - Round Robin, OC Beef Barn (middle ring)

  • September 20 - Blue Jackets Bright Futures FFA Jacket Program - student jacket applications due

National Association of Agriculture Educators Award

Congratulations to SD Agriculture, Food, Fiber and Natural Resources teachers Bridget Twedt, of Centerville, and Charlene Weber, of Howard, for being NAAE Region III winners of the Turn the Key Award.  They will be recognized at the convention in Atlanta, Georgia, November 27-December 1, 2012.


Stop and Say Hello at Dakotafest

The SD FFA Foundation will have a booth in the big event tent, thanks to the SD Soybean Research and Promotion Council.  Stop by to say hi, fill us in on what you've been up to, and meet the state officers!

I believe in the Future of Agriculture ...        I believe in the future of ag

The SD FFA Foundation wants to reconnect with past members who believe in the future of agriculture... we know there are LOTS out there.  It's more than just looking for financial supporters - it's finding people who will openly share with others what FFA has done for them.  We need to share the message that we believe in the future of agriculture, just like the creed says.  Please share names, addresses and/or email addresses of past members with: We want to invite them to get active again by judging, coaching, mentoring, or financing local and state FFA activities.

starSD FFA Star Partner Program

The SD FFA Foundation has a new way for businesses to partner with us! The program is designed with varying levels of participation, affording participants the flexibility to choose their level of sponsorship through the SD FFA Foundation - helping us meet the needs of our special projects. A cooperative effort, under the direction of the SD FFA Foundation, involves our Team Ag Ed members - SDAAE, The SD FFA Alumni Association, the SD FFA Association, SD Postsecondary Agriculture Education events, and SDSU Ag Education.  Each of these organizations promote Star Partners accordinglyThanks to our Team Ag Ed Star partners!

Distinguished Star Partners -
Northland Ford Dealers

2 Star Partners -
ADM Benson Quinn
Pioneer Hi-Bred
SD Wheat Growers
South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council

1 Star Partners -
Butler Machinery
CHS Foundation
Farm Credit Services of Americas
RDO Equipment
North Central Farmers Elevator
Wilbur Ellis
C & B Operations, LLC (Potter County Implement, Gettysburg; Walworth County Implement, Selby; Edmunds County Implement, Roscoe; Greenline Implement, Miller; Fred Haar, Freeman; Fred Haar Implement, Yankton; Fred Haar Implement, Wagner; and Davison County Implement, Mitchell).

Check out our Star Partner webpage to learn more.

Remember the big one? The SD State Fair!state fair

Catching up with friends from across the state is always my favorite part of the state fair - from the 1st time I attended at age 9 to this year's. 100 degrees days, meals on the run, holding puppies in the FFA Animal Nursery for hours at a time, and livestock shows finished in pickup headlights because the power went out - didn't take away from the fun,  just added to the adventure and memories. Reconnect with fair friends at the FFA Ag Learning Center, or one of our livestock show.  This year's SD State Fair is August 30 - September 3 in Huron.

Thanks to all the sponsors that help make FFA livestock shows and awards, and the Ag Learning Center activities possible: Dakotaland Feeds, CHS Foundation, Tri State Livestock News, RDO Equipment, C & B Operations, Channel, Pioneer, Farm Credit Services of America, DeKalb/Asgrow, Northland Ford, SD Wheat Growers, North Central Farmers Elevator, SD Soybean Research and Promotion Council, Butler Machinery, ADM-Benson Quinn, Wilbur Ellis, DeJong Ranch, Advocates for Ag, Stangl Shorthorns, Genex - Dakota Sire Service, Midwest Ag Supply, Whetstone Commodities, Nelson Farm Family, Dakota Risk Management, Cargill of Vienna, J Bar Ranch, Cattle Business Weekly, Valley Queen Cheese Factory, Thompson family, Knutson Suffolks, Jakober Limousin, and Wirt Farms.

Featured Fundraisers:

Give Students their own FFA Blue Jacket
The SD FFA Foundation's Blue Jackets Bright Futures Jacket Program gives young SD FFA members a chance to earn their own FFA jacket instead of purchasing one.  For just $65 you can enable an FFA member to earned their own FFA jacket through the SD FFA Foundation Blue Jackets Bright Futures FFA Jacket Program. FFA member applicants answer four short essay questions about their FFA experience and goals. Last year the SD FFA Foundation awarded 69 jackets to students in 16 FFA chapters through this program.

Remember the SD FFA Foundation! SD FFA Foundation

Your gift, no matter the amount, makes a huge difference to SD Agriculture Food, Fiber and Natural Resources programs and FFA member success. Click Here to make an online gift to FFA or mail a donation to: SD FFA Foundation, 39393 133rd St., Bath, SD 57427

For more information, please contact or call (605) 765-4865
© 2012 South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc. 

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